
Archive for: Dating Tips

Choosing an Online Dating Profile Picture

For many people, the real moment of fear in putting together an online dating profile is the selection of a photograph to accompany your self-description. Although a human being is very different from a saleable commodity, a dating profile is scarcely different from an advertisement. You want people to think you sound and look good. There is no point in putting together a profile that would make Oscar Wilde appear witless and uninspired if you use a photograph of you


Show A Guy You’re Interested

For women, the game of romance can be more challenging. It seems that most of them are consigned into being passive trying to wait for men to get to know them. After all, traditional ways of playing the romance game always dictates that the men should make the first move. Women who do are usually frowned upon. But that no longer seems to be the case for the modern woman. Some women may become quite impatient waiting for the men