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4 steps every man should follow before planing a date

Any guy can be attractive to girls if he can able to understand what exactly girls looking. It does not mean that what a guy looks like, because a girl thinks about the man as a package. If a guy is having more good qualities over the bad qualities then his chances of winning her heart more. Some dating tips for how to attract a girl or if you are planning for dating and looking for some dating advice you


6 signs you are too nice to date online

Do you wanna face the reality…. After all you need to know the meter of awesomeness at online dating. Head down dude excess is not good Messaging a stranger You are a hella go go boy!… you don’t hesitate to text any kinda girl… you are positive and enthusiastic  and you are probably not thinking of being judged sometimes but hey! Do you even care? ….. keep up the work but don’t forget be respectful and humble Somebody will respond